Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Screw this. All I can say is that I am damn disappointed. So was she. Yeah, guess I really have to buck up for the coming exams. Social Studies and mother tongue. Gosh today wasn't nice in class. I don't wish to elaborate much but Mrs Ranjit was very say, stingy? Man that one mark could make such big difference. Oh well I got oral so I am quite confident of at least a B for my English. After school met up her. Had some problems but resolved. Went to meet Nelson after that. That cheeky little boy. Bought the stuff that I want to buy, so as to
TIE her down.
*Evil laugh! Muahaha.* Right Mic.
Ate KFC after that and went over to the library. Borrowed the book, "Blade" with Nelson's card. Mine can't borrow already. Slacked and talked a bit there and went off. I said I would walk him to bus stop but then the bus was here. I say good bye and walked my path. Haha. So "bastard". Reached home and had dinner again. Yummy. Love it when I can eat and eat. Tomorrow's got no lesson. Slack day. Not sure about activities tomorrow. Alright I'm rather tired. Maybe I shall sleep a while and study later. Cheerios people.
Hubby larbe you =) and I'mma gonna tie you down for good. Nonsense Mic keke.
10:04 AM
Monday, August 29, 2005
Alright. Finally learnt that one of my friend's friend died. Sad isn't it. She was just 15. The point about having P.E lessons even when she wasn't allowed to, on permenant basis. Well that was what happened. She passed out during P.E. School called the ambulance and couldn't revive her. Its just pretty devastating. Thankfully she wasn't from my school, wasn't one of my close friends. I think I only talked to her like once or twice. Oh well. Rest in peace Doreen.
Sad stuff isn't it? Well that was on the 26/8/05. Learnt it from Tracy only today. Woot. Alright enough of sad nonsense. Back home already, feeling so tired. Yesterday I had a really bad day! Really really REALLY bad day. Lost to Gary twice in a row. Fouled like crazy. Both frames was only to the final Black! How nasty. Prelims over, now I've got to study hard for the real thing. I feel like there isn't enough time for all the subjects even though I only take 6. Accounts is certainly the topic that most people find it easy to excel. I thought so too, so I've gotta study.
I think the main exams are in a matter of days. Possibly 10 or so. Hope I can do well. Going to get back all my results tomorrow. I am Aiming for below 7. Lets see if I can do it. Hopefully. Fingers crossed. Alright I am going to get to work now. Hope I can watch the Newcastle and United match tonight. I don't wanna bother about my brother. Cheeky boy took the SCV from me when he doesn't even stay at home. To think he locked it up too. Go suction your brain. Nice quote. Haha. Sounds like, No brains. Nonsense again. I must, i mean
MUST be more serious, I am such a happy go lucky chap. Man learn to be serious will you. Yes I will.Hubby Larbe You. =) I will try my best not to piss you off again. And if I do, baby please don't ignore me, its terrible. Nevertheless, Feelings is as good as brand new. =)
3:36 AM
Saturday, August 27, 2005
There wasn't any school today and I woke up early! Haha actually I went to meet her in the morning for breakfast because I was really hungry. Went mac to eat. Walked her to school, so many people stared at me because I wasn't in uniform. Nah, but i feel good! Went home after that. Relaxed at home. Den afternoon met her sent her to sports hall den go meet Waan. Fun, talk talk talk. Went to his house and read the damn thick Hitler book. Maybe by reading that book I can improve my History! By coincidence saw his mum and hitched a ride to the mrt station. Met Lin Xun there. After a while, Joel and Nelson came, seperately that is. Met her after that again. Came home and sent her home. Now going to sleep already. Goodnight!
1:24 PM
Friday, August 26, 2005
Today is a rather alright day, Maybe more to the brighter side. Didn't blog yesterday because I was kind of tired. Today, I finished all my prelims! It feels GREAT! YEAH!! After that, Went with Nelson and Bunny for breakfast. Yummy. Actually morning already had my breakfast with my baby. Nelson then want to play snooker. So he went my house to get a shirt. An orange one he got! Woo, Don't you look stunning my brother! After that we tried to play at Pavilion. Too bad, we're in half uniform. Went to East Point and played instead. Saw Aidil, Yasir, Waan, Md Noor, His bro and Adib there. All of them very pro. Played already went to Nelson's house. After he bathed, we took taxi down to school because I meeting Liz and he meeting Jasmine and Charlotte for lunch. Yeah after I met her, we all went lunch together. Now so bored because I got nothing to do. Tomorrow for me is a holiday! Saturday gonna billiard with Kwang Nam and company. Alright till then... Its bye from me.
12:20 PM
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Alright from this post onwards i shall try my best to use
standard english. I mean it.
Had a really bad start in the morning, screwed up the mathematics paper really bad. After doing 5 questions I realised that I had less than 20 minutes for the remaining paper. Damn was I panicking. Mr Ow walked and told me about something too. I was like, 'Man are you crazy or something?' But then it was true. That sentence he said, not asked was,'Michael, Where's Elizabeth?' He rounded up everything with a cheeky smile. I was like 'huh'? Yeah but actual fact it is. After my exams, feeling damn screwed up in the inside I went to play soccer with Md Noor, Yasir, Waan, Nelson, Lin Xun, Justin, Jeng and Aidil. Play halfway only my leg was damn painful, to be exact my old injury that is, the ankle. Its like a nuisance. Lin Xun came my house after that, we watched Russell Peters. The almost full version. That guy's one funny comedian! YOU BET! Met Elizabeth after school. Basically the day was not so nice because I screwed it up real bad. Thank God it's not the real thing, just a trial run. Alright till here. Standard enough?
Last Quote: "You know you're in love when you think about someone more times in a day than you think about yourself."
11:12 AM
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
I set out on a narrow way, many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldnt see how every sign pointed straight to you.
That every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars
Pointing me on my way, into your loving arms
This much I know its true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smiled and take my hand
You've been there, you understand
Its all part of a grander plan, this is coming true.
10:45 AM
wah lao leh.. sian lo. chem paper was.. like.. maybe good? haha. went with bunny & nelson for breakfast. at the mac.. nonsense sia. they order their meal.. the person who took order forgot bout mine (-_-''') like.. wah rao rei. nvm. ate den many nonsense sia all of us. got home aft that. watched the vcd she passed me.. say watch chinese will improve. nt bad.. its about pool and gangsterism... hmmm my style =) keke. 2.30 likedat went back sch meet her for lunch. sent her hm. came home and i studied! woow. just had my dinner.. awwww.. still cant really remember the formula-s. k ar i muz study. realising the importance now already. if no education u can go and hang urself ar! (catch phrase from ???) haha. i think i talk to her i can hang myself many many times le lo. ok ar i'll go and continue studying. maths paper 2 tml.. many many things to memorize sia.. got LxB.. pie r square.. x= -b +- square root b square - 4ac over 2a. pie d. trigonometry. bearings. woo hoo so muz study now. byeeeeeeeeeee.
10:17 AM
Monday, August 22, 2005
EVERYBODY! pasir ris' nonsense man..
4 days of exams.. 4 papers.. why dun they squeeze into 2 days.. wah.. now so long.. so sian.. everyday can go hm before 10. sianzo. SIAN AR>>.<<
chemistry tml. like i can pass likedat.. aiya.. also got study.. can pass can pass lo.. cannot den.. too bad mate.. tml 9 am go eat breakfast lo. den relac a bit. go back sch. hehe
why am i typing bout this haven even tml yet.. ok ar.. very sianz.. shall talk bout yesterday..
went to tamp interchange meet her. btw.. must love dogs is a rather good show.. cuz its damn hell funny. seriously. onli a few parts.. story line's cool. suppose to meet nelson.. sorry my boy. =) slept late i think. sianzo.. going gf's house liao leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2:57 AM
Sunday, August 21, 2005
the few days didnt post much. pretty much involved in exams. i am damn pissed off wid myself yesterday. maths paper 1. stem and leaf diagram. 35 and 25 i also can mix up. in the end.. i lost 2 marks. FIFTH AND SIXTH also cannot find that difference.. another 1 mark or so. got some serious careless mistakes.
history. source based questions were rather fine just that i kinda forgot wad i studied. structured essays. well done mate. u got "2" and "3" wrong again. this time its worth a whole bunch of marks.. like
25 mate.. how does it feel! TERRIBLE! URGH now the dream of getting at least a "B" for C.H also die.. i need 16/25 for source base just to pass C.H la! wah lao leh! TERRIBLLLLLEEEEEE!! thankfully english summary was quite easy.. points were there for u to take. i hope at the actual exams no such rubbish. =( nvm. just woke up.. shall go do "morning stuff" den i am going out already.
2:14 AM
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
haha i am being fed right now. yeah now. so xing fu.. like sing jia po. kekeh! damn sian so muz maintain hehe. later at nite den update. haha
8:29 PM
today.. i am finally so so so HAPPY. cuz finally nokia return my phone. woo was i glad to hold that flip phone again. breakfast at mac. went to sch. lesson's screwed. aft sch. went home relac a while with my little baby =) haha no la. den go century for my phone. had to wait la.. cuz got ppl there ma so queue lo. sent her hm aft that. go maintain at home. just finished studying history. budden i haven do my homework. see lo. i feel like www now. den later wake up see how lo. tml english first period. SIAN LA. wahaha. meanwhile i shall go slwwp. slWWP! wwwwwwww is fun lo.. gd nite ppl. like lazy bums. kekeh. bunny.. nice try ar... bunny by the way when u read this message me. accidentally deleted ur number. wa lao haha.
10:45 AM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
just reached home. weee. sch's as usual. everything was a routine. one bad thing early in the morn was that. i failed chinese it wasnt too bad aft all.. 21/50. alrite la. kekeh! SS prelim result was out. 34/50 wooooooooo. something that i thought i was gonna just barely pass.. woo.. thats like 1 more mark to A2. nvm i still got history to go =) came hm aft sch. taught her physics. oh gosh i sure suck at that now. she sprayed the perfume.. suppose to be onli the pillow she bought me.. in the end.. she sprayed everything on my bed. pillowS bolster. i think it got onto the blankets too. haha nvm at least i can sleep *sweetly* now wahaha. she sprayed it onto my uniform too. haha. i sprayed mine on hers. budden her's stronger lo. i lose =( haha. sent her hm. reach home. wan to study budden lazy. tml or wad den study lo. i wanna watch tv wahahahahahahahahaa. i wanna score for english and maths. i hope i can. =) think i can ar. science.. aiyo. accounts.. well that depends.. chinese.. i wanna score a distinction for that. i
BELIEVE can lo. wahaha. TML I AM GETTING BACK MY LONG AWAITED PHONE!!! WOOOOO i am so freaking high now. like.. james blunt. kekeh. i dun feel like bathing cuz i smell like someone. haha. no la. gotta batheeeeeeee.
7:56 AM
Monday, August 15, 2005
yesterday had fun yeah! watched bewitched. haha cuz some ppl know that i dun wanna watch charlie and the chocolate factory. not true lo.. cuz i heard that its rather nice =) movie was awesome cuz that was the first movie i watched since boogeyman. fintastic. She bought mickey and minnie pillow=) wahaha. like woot!? snuggle on it all nite=) bought the name-chain thing.. intention was actually either a gift or her bag and wallet. aft that wanted to go starbucks to drink.. walked there. damn packed. went across the road and settle for some peach and strawberry struddel(is that how u spell it? doubt so.) yummy cuz its the first time i am eating that. went back to tamp and bought the leg thing. went hommmmiieeee. aft that open the pillow onli.. the plastic smell.. nvm it'll be gone in a few days.. who cares!
oh yeah.. i cant wait for all my exams to finish! then i can.. dye white on my fringe(provided if i have it) party till siao. aft exams no sch liao! how funnnnn. meanwhile study are one of my top priorities. not forgetting my minnie! so i woke up so late that i had to miss church. wad do i do? go and study!! WEEEEEE.
2:09 AM
Sunday, August 14, 2005
hello mr blog.
i'm feeling quite fine today. some ppl ask me read her blog. alrite. as u can see that i've a girlfriend now. all i can say to u is that please for the sake of the whole world stop pestering my back. i've a girlfriend now and i love her alot. its time to screw urself to some other planet and find ur guy. i can tell u that i'm not the one. i know ur be reading this entry thats why i am typing this out. and if u dare to touch her a single bit i will make u feel sorry. i'm telling u now. i dun love u and didnt even love u in the first place. there's only one girl in my heart but unfortunately for u it isnt u. so goodbye.
alrite time for more..
Practical stuff. woke up this morning at ard 10. geez.. yawnz. now i'm going to go back to sleep again. i love to study! i love prelims! they rock. my socks wahaha. alrite i am going to sleep now. m going out later. wah lao rei.. my leg hurts pretty bad.. think muz go back to see that physician again.
1:19 AM
Saturday, August 13, 2005
weee.. just finished revise-ing my history. onli a bit. went sch early actually late today haha. morning exam. chinese.. haha think can pass.. maybe maybe.. aft got a long break.. like 90 mins of break. den aft that chinese listening compre. aft that go basketball court there fly aeroplanes.. how lame can my bunch of friends be! just love them! went to nel's house.. watch movie den sleep.. SHIOK BODOH! he say sleep in my house nice.. his house also nice. went kfc and ate the $4.95 meal. nice man.he went off.. den i meet liz lo. talked den sent her home liao. she's ZZZ now. haha. orh orh queen.
charlotte. its gonna be hard i told u before that its either one hurt or both. be wise. wadever u do ur bros will be behind u! =)
1:18 PM
Friday, August 12, 2005
alrite. now's tiring. early morn met her go to sch as usual. the only unusual thing is that i've got exams. mother tongue paper 1. flung. social studies. i hope for at least a b. hope la.. haha. den aft exam relac with nel dan and zj. went to canteen sit. den go up library. den go down new foyer sit. waited till 1355. den liz.. myself and siao nel went to century for lunch. nelson.. ur wee tar dirt. haha. aft that nelson went home. i go home too. haha.. she went my house too. haha. aft that 7pm sent her home den cab down meet nelson. who has been waiting for 2 hrs! i feel so damn proud of myself! kekeh! ate and pooled! haha tml exam today pool. aft is chinese paper 2 and chinese listening compre. so as u can see.. its chinese so i dun bother. maybe tml bring the "cheng yu" book go read. played pool.. first few rounds rather on par.. aft that.. slowly slack down den.. miss few simple shots. cant even use the rest well.. sianzation. acc nel home den he acc me wait for buzz(bus) haha.. reach home liao. thats my day. i wanna bathe now!! so SMELLY!! smelly welly.. turly worly..
1:18 PM
Thursday, August 11, 2005
feeling sick again! sian.. headache damn irritating lo. just studied. study really long budden cant seem to get the things right. haiya.. nvm la at least i sorta tried to study. today.. i am really good boy cuz i stayed home the whole day. and i studied. thats even better. tml exam liao now still likedat. she ask me to sleep budden like muz study la.. its just tml lor! think i sleep first wake up den continue. yesterday so much fun. today so damn sian. think if later wake up ok le i wan to go mac and buy fries cuz i feel like having some now. alrite. good nite(evening) everybody.
10:15 AM
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Happy birthday singapore! rite. haha. woke up ard 10.30. good thing my da sao called and asked if i wan to eat. 12.30 went to meet her. followed her for her lunch and then jalan jalan. there were some problems. sorry. budden now settled le. and i promise it'd not happen again. met up wid the others. had pizza hut! woo! went to changi beach.. =) haha den go back for dinner again. actually its hers la. aft that nth to do den walk aimlessly to nowhere. sent her home aft that. was looking for shower foam thingy budden couldnt find. haha. fun sia now i think left a bit onli. ok lo very sian le. muz go bathe eat and sleep. tml muz study. thurs exam le WOO HOO! rite.. are u excited mic? no.
2:05 PM
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
k la i am damn sian so i decided to blog.
today started off my day damn well. i saw vick in the morn in hm clothes. i asked him not going sch? he said half day go for wad. win. i din know. i was in sch uniform.. with my TIE. how lousy. haha. den meet liz.. she ate mac. i didnt. actually i did la. a bit. go sch so damn sian la the carnival thing. onli the hall performance was rather interesting.
aft sch.. snookered lo. went for lunch with choc and nel. maintain at long john. den go library read and relax. haha. sianzo. went hm to bathe aft that den meet her again.
3 more days to exam. hmmm.. die la! haha. damn sian sian sian. shall sleep soon. i very tired le.
1:19 PM
Monday, August 08, 2005

woke up at 7.15. how nice. esp when i studied till 1.30. super tired man. not to mention that i am still sick. went to church. preaching's cool cuz he was damn chim and i onli somehow got a bit of wad he was trying to say. anyway had lunch with my aunt. den just reached home.argh.. feeling soooooooo tired now. budden i gotta study again cuz exams are in a few days time.budden since i am so tired. maybe i shld take a nap cuz when ur tired u mite not be able to study well. =) sleeeeeeeep. kekeh. ok here are the snooker pics!! weeeee...
4:53 AM
Saturday, August 06, 2005
you know sometimes when things dun really turn out right.. you would just sit still and stare blanks. i felt so damn sick in the morning. so much so that i actually felt like dying la. budden thankfully woke up felt a lot.. i mean ALOT better. went to poly clinic alone. cuz it was just 11. i registered already den spent over 90 mins sitting and waiting. everytime when someone walk out i thought it was going to be me next. i sorta "wished" for 90 mins! all the way till 1 o'clock. can die la. went inside the doctor was so not professional. he picked up his phone calls while examinating me. like WTF la. den smiled and said sorry to me. aft 20-30 secs again another call! ARGH! dun wanna care bout him. i asked for a mc and walked out. he was like "wait.. wait!!" stupid guy la.. now i know why i had to wait so long.
reached home.. no lunch.. wait for dinner. going to sleep now. still feeling quite sick.
7:11 AM
Friday, August 05, 2005
wah crap la. finally nokia care picked up the call lo. den like sian la they all. say my phone... aiya.. need another 2-3 weeks more. WAH LAO EH!! fun sia. say the flip got problem den the shipment is like 2-3 weeks.
sch's fun esp when ur last pe is 2.4 yeah finally passed la. its all in the mind. see now hair short can run already haha. den sian la. like can cry sia. aft that got chinese test also damn fun lor..
aft sch go kfc eat. dun feel hungry and sore throat so i ate just a little. aft that went home lo. haha i wasnt allowed to bathe hor?
aiya now muz sleep a bit. wake up le do hw. and study study study!!
8:11 AM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
damn do i hate wednesdays! actually. i dun really hate wednesday la.. budden i just hate sch! exams are in a week! woo hoo.. finally exams.. cuz i didnt have mid year. haiyo. exams means study.. aiya ok lo.. muz really study.
today during lesson.. buay ta han la.. nelson u shld know why la "@!@#$#@$@#$!!!" haha wah lao leh.. nvm la.. consolation was i got A1 for MATHS! WOOOO and it feels great cuz i seriously flung my EL so yeah. tml could well be the last pe. hope its fun la. cuz ar.. if pe not enjoyable ar.. den i hav no fav subject already.
aft sch meet choc they all den maintain a while. den kena screen by teacher.. woo win la. budden nth on us so ok lo. aft that ate at canteen. den went for snooker. today got form sia. think tournament use that cue la.. i not very use to my cue le wahaha.
went to watch prss idol aft that. to me.. more like prss idle. actually they arent too bad for students leh. budden.. its idol.. IDOL.. I-D-O-L haha. nvm adib wan rahu rahman and raz rocks la.. i like wan's face when he do the "Yo sign.. like ._._ sign." yeah i cant express it well.
ate at long john den send her hm lo. count down to prelims. 8 days. may the force be wid me man.. haha
12:01 PM
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Damn i am starting to get bored of school. aft sch had detention sia. like fun fair. walked down from m.t class den like.. thinking to skip detention. walk to charl's class there met her. meet le den like.. i dun wanna go lor. budden she said muz go.. den talk talk den i go lor. at there help her do her eng homework. wah i did everything la. in the end dun need to do 1 page as well as the summary. wah lao leh!! aft that.. den i send her home. haha in the bus from 80 cents become 75 cents den become 45 cents. haha play play. send her home le den go buy things for her.
just reached home. having my dinner now. aiya.. tonite can relax le.. finished all my homework during detention. weeeee its not a bad thing aft all.. budden during detention she sat at the other end of the class so cannot talk. no one entertain me. den i msg my da sao. haha. she need to learn to maintain bodoh!!
11:01 AM
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
tiring day. glad to hav sort out some of the problems last nite. i know that u think u cant commit. sometimes.. i, too hav that trouble of commiting. its not easy. but seriously since i got into this relationship.. i was confident enough. i know that there were times when u disappointed me.. its not a big problem to me. of course there would be setbacks in relationships. trust me its possible. we can make it. or at least thats wad i think thats why i assured you last nite. possibly that you're thinking too much?
freaking day in sch today though. surprise surprise.. i failed english! lucky she's taking the higher mark out of the two test.. at least.. i passed. aft sch play play den go back.. haha.. now 6+ den i reach home. wehehe.. muz do SS later..
9:50 AM
Monday, August 01, 2005
ever heard of judgement day? well.. everyone's got theirs.. think mine's coming real soon.. haha why did i start an entry likedat? who knows?
yeah.. feels terrible now.. maybe. yesterday had loads of fun though.
today.. think i'm going nelson house do my hw first den go out wid him. no blogging mood now so shall update later.
5:09 AM