Friday, September 28, 2007
I just finished bathing. While I was bathing just now I told myself I must study after the bath. Lol, too tired to do it now. Do it tomorrow then. Stayed at home today. Weather was fantastic. I woke up at 730am. I slept at 5. 2++ hours of sleep that should explain why I am so tired now. I wanna adjust back my sleeping timing to a confortable 2am kinda thing which is like now. Snookered just now. Nel and I had supper at that same coffee shop. Met up with lsh. =O She kinda talked alot of crap. Haven't heard her nonsense since a damn long time ago. Reached home at about 12+am I think.
Shall coax myself to sleep with some television. Sounds wrong but I failed the past few nights. Resulting to me sleeping at sun rise. =O 5am considered as a sun rise? Newspaper says so. I say so too.
Here was what happened yesterday. As usual Wednesday = Bugis - sianzpath. After that met up with a bunch of lepakers. Lx, Waan, me, Jere, Zq, Jq and fattytin. Rofl. Like your name here? Subway noob. First timers, always good to laugh at. Muahahaha.
Okay I feel stupid to go on.
5:41 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I've been sleeping at like 5am or so for the past few days and I suddenly realized that my body clock for sleeping somehow changed. So time to adjust back. Slept at 9am this morning, no kidding, because I woke up at 4plus on Sunday. Nocturnal. So I woke up at 3pm just now, super tired but I somehow managed to keep myself awake and now I am super tired.
Sleeping too much kills. I've been telling myself that I need to study and shit. I shit but not study. =/ My mum said that the electricity will be cut off from 8 - 530pm tomorrow, how to sleep? And what am I suppose to do at home tomorrow?
I am gonna try my best to sleep now. Hope it rains tomorrow. Better if it snows.
4:50 PM
7:05 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Hi I am so fucking bored now that I could fucking type my whole life away. Lets do a life recount together shall we? Remember your first day of school, like P1? Where you(or most of you) cried so loud and hard that your parents have to stare at you outside your classroom. That was what happened to me, to think that I was from an all boy's school. Ah Catholic high, nurturing us to be fgays! So, we slowly move on to become kids. Cool kids that could play basketball and soccer well enough to as a class kick some other school's ass. Fast forward it and we moved on to secondary school. Where gangsterism lives freely. The guy with the biggest guts win. Guys that can fight well wins respect. People which have 'backups' wins everything. And we all moved on differently.
Ok that was pretty random, I was only doing that to make myself feel good about blogging. I think underage people who smoke are a fucking waste of time. Though I can tell you now that smoking DOES indeed relieve TEMPORARY stress but stop wasting your own time, your parent's time, the policemen's time.*I don't smoke anymore* I know that because some pain-in-the-ass policeman did his routine check on me. He went like, " Hello just to take up a few moment of your time." "Is that a packet of cigarettes in your pocket?" A good citizen like me did what he instructed and I showed him my Nokia 6280. So he asked me for my i.d. Finally he was kinda convinced that I was 18. Notice the word kinda because he doesn't think that that was me. Am I like fugly or what? Haha.
Just so you all know, my brother like to go around catching underage smokers, hope underaged smokers get lucky with him. Heh heh.
So moving on, I realized that I fucking sucked in life. Almost everything that I am good at are impractical. Not sure if that was the right word, but yeah you'll get me. This is an awesomely long blog post so congratulations that you actually read till here. There are alot of fucks because I am fucking fucked up now!
Be everyone's love, jokes' out.
That was random yet again. Whats worse that getting pwned in life? =O
Anyone wanna go drinking with me? =/
6:04 PM
Snooked two days in a row, which was pretty unusual. =O At this rate I'll have to work to play snooker, maybe use it to get some monae! Nelson kept going 'exhibition shot', which was like, -_-.
El o el, Took away some fried carrot cake for supper, woah shiok. I am so bored now. IMBA PEOPLE! Simei MRT's hot dog stall, wow Jer, Lx, Nel, Waan and I took turns to go wooooooo over some really imba girl. Could really use those. Nah, I am just kidding. =D
Study tomorrow, no mood to do it now. I don't get it, tearjerker shows are like unisex what, why can't guys watch them. Most guys won't tear while watching what. =O Wow updated my blog regularly. That surprises me. =0
5:37 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Hi, I'd like to have Jingle Bel for Christmas. Tuesday night, my dad called me on the phone and said this, "come down and take your monitor". Song. =D I got new monitor just that its a bit disturbing cause I can't play some games.
Ah its alright anyway just watched the match. Sporting 0-1 Man Utd. Ronaldo FTW! Heh. Study study study. I want that bel please. =/ Man utd / Arsenal > Chelsea / Liverpool.
Gonna sleep soon. Goodbye y'all!
7:45 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
Hello my faithful blog hoppers. Or at least you're here now. =D
Hey there are photos today!
Go watch Chuck and Larry. Damn hilarious. Promoting gay society here. Don't worry I am nowhere near being gay. That was on Saturday night, and then Lx crashed at my place. It might be the first time he's crashing at his friend's place.
So then this afternoon in the lift, we noticed this guy that pressed the DO-door open button, and the door fregging closed. We were like about to laugh at him when the door closed.
Met up with nelson at watched Everton-man u for the 2nd time this year. Lol. First was during the month of May. When Winner and I was like OMFG! MAN U WON 4-2 AT GOODISON PARK! I can recall that day Nel and I accompanied her to get her pay or something at somewhere really far. Then we played pool and I checked and realized that United were 2-0 down. Went to Nel's place to watch the match and the entire 2nd half. WOOT. 4-2 winners. Winners, how coincidental.
Okay just so you know, Agnes resigned from Caesor. Call me if you don't have her number and wanna overturn some 'bad hair' day.
I am going really broke. And oh we stayed over at Lx's place on Friday night. Here are the surprises.

hand in hand baby.

"Ohmaigawd", felt JQ.
Well here are some kickass photos.
Heeelllo, I am jeng.
Nel tehjammer. Lx as usual.

Face relax pl0x, Lx also.
6:38 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
People who knows my password kept on asking me why is it still the same password.
Lazy to change thats all. That is something that hackers will never find out unless I get keylogged.
These few days I kept asking myself why are all these happening. My own doing probably. I do finally believe, what goes around comes around.
Chey chey chey, Mic getting all chimed up uh. But uh, seriously I finally do believe in that.
I spent my past few days with it. Kinda complicating, but sick yeah.
Big cars > small ones.
Big muscles > smaller ones.
Rich > poorer ones.
Smart > dumber ones.
Good looking > average looking ones.
Heh, notice the average =D Not one is ugly in this world. Just good and average.
I shall take the time now to talk to 'it'.
11:17 AM
Thursday, September 06, 2007
I went to Pasir Ris just now. Just walk around. Haha. Yeah walked around Elias and bought myself bubble tea. So, I was suppose to follow Waan to his interview but he told me it was postponed. Went home after that. Ah, you weren't home.
jdskdfhavkdhfbdafarawsv sfg
4:10 AM
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Tuition sucks, but at least its over, for today that is.
Kinda bored, but at the same time happy that I got my allowance. Bet that was random.
My mum is trying her best to drag me to church, not that I don't wanna go but that church is really too old for me.
13 going 30 is a nice show. Today was weird. Lol.
Just too many things which reminds me of you.
2:16 PM