Monday, March 31, 2008
Just went out for snooker with Nel and Charl came to accompany us for a while.
After snooker Nel and I went to eat, actually it was only me that ate. We went to Mcdonalds and the moment we entered Nelson was like, "Is that Mr. Poh?" Looked like him so I just smiled and he gave me this (?_?) look with a bit of anger. Just at that moment I realized it wasn't Mr Poh and Nel said he continued staring at me for another 10seconds or so. I think he was trying to figure out why I actually smiled at him, like is he someone I know kinda thing. Speaking about 'is he someone I know kinda thing', I saw this girl when I took the lift down she gave me this smile and I know she was trying to speak but she didn't. So I am actually not sure who she was but she was damn familiar.
So conclusion at Mac, Lx needs a girlfriend and once I find mine*ccccc* I'll try my best to find for him. It isn't easy it is like digging for needles on the seabed(?).
5:05 PM
Friday, March 28, 2008
Okay I'm updating now. Recently up to this snack craze and I even set up this snacks corner in my room. I hope I can grow fat. Goodbye skinny Mic. No, not really just kidding I can't grow fat. Not today.
Was driving yesterday and Edward told me a lot of his Changi Ah gua experiences. Freaking hilarious when they wanna hit on you. I shall drive down there next time and experience it myself. But they are surely a turn off. $20 bucks is all it takes, simply cuz' they are guys. Just thinking of that makes me sick. Ewww.
By the way, I was awoken by this damn loud thud. Sounds like a gun shot, sounds like someone committing suicide(don't ask me how, I learned it from movies), shocked me so I sat up on my bed thinking it was my dream. Then it happened again so it wasn't a dream. I don't know what kind of sound was it so yeah, might be going back to bed.
3:53 AM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Hi dorks. I am back.
Watching Fear factor when you're having lunch is disgusting. I am frigging serious about that.
Going out soon.
Have a great day y'all.
6:53 AM
Monday, March 10, 2008
ZOMFG. She's so damn pretty!
*does the 'ahhhh' face*
7:30 AM
Saturday, March 08, 2008

Ice skating was damn fun. Anyone wanna jio me go ice skate? I confirm go!
Ice skated and bowled with Nel, Lx, Seri and Winner yesterday. Everything was like uber fun.
We should just do this more often. Lx is kinda addicted to bowling because he just got his technique right thanks to teh masta, which was me. I haven't touched a bowling ball for 5 years or so already. But the feeling of going back to the lane was song. Took an 8 pound ball and bowled 'hook' styled by not inserting my thumb. That created this uber spin which you see pro bowlers do by using the metal guards thing.
Might be going for ITshow later. Or most probably so.
I hate mixed feelings. Makes me feel bitter yet sweet. =O

5:19 AM
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Woke up this afternoon feeling pretty lethargic.
Kinda gave me that 'today'snotgonnagowell' feeling.
Indeed it sucked. Finished my last driving module. Parking is fun.
I remembered going, 'woah how did they managed park their car so zhun!'
Now to think back, it was really damn stupid. Haha, makes you laugh at your stupidity.
Its true that after this particular thing passes you, you will start to think about that something.
4:09 PM
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Hey! Its Mic's birthday. And if I am not wrong this is just the second time i upload pictures on my blog. Oh well, its my birthday so might as well.

The preparation.

Making a wish.

Basically you could just see that I kinda enjoyed myself. Though it was a stupid and unrealistic wish that I wished for. Meanwhile after staying out for the whole night with buds I'm going to bed now. Dinner later and collect presents WOO!
Birthday still sucks without that girl.
12:02 AM
Sunday, March 02, 2008
I can't seem to shake this awful feeling!
Lets see, I didn't go out today. Nowhere to go and didn't wanna go anywhere too.
Bought supper and ate during the Fulham - United match which ended 3-0 United.
HUAT AH! I was thinking of HP or Asus. Can you help me decide? Haha all of a sudden this feels like some kids program where I ask you to decide and I will 'pause' for a moment for you to point out the correct option. In this case I don't really know which to get. HP is heavily discounted but Asus is a more reliable brand. Oh well I will decide soon enough.
For some reason, I love playing dorky games with myself. Dang, I'm such a dork. Ok I shall not elaborate on the kind of games I play because it is really dumb. I feel tired but I know that I won't be able to sleep when I am on my bed.
Alright, see you guys round'.
OH, and its my birthday tomorrow! HUAT!
5:38 PM