Friday, October 31, 2008
Once again, you knew me too well. I smiled to myself thinking about what you said before you left town. You asked me to promise you not to be too emo over this, or spend less time being emo. So when I was on my way to Pasir Ris, I got a little sad and stuff, suddenly, I thought of what you said, and I literally smiled to myself. I smiled even though the 'atmosphere' was supposedly sad. Yeah, inevitably I missed you. The songs kept repeating in my mind even though I was eating, talking to people and playing snooker. O_O
Thinking about what happened, make me wanna kick myself. *kicks myself*
31 October 2008 11:50pm
11:35 PM
Hi. I just reached home. And thanks to Nelson, I couldn't connect back to meow's call. Thanks a lot uh. So he came and we went to Hougang to eat teh famous Ponggol Nasi Lemak, but wait, correction, we went and wanted to eat the nasi lemak, it was closed on thursday. Apparently they meant the whole of thursday, it is friday already! So I had the Bak Chor Mee there instead. Okay that was basically my day.
I wrote a song. A song that I was automatically singing, the lyrics just came. That was when I was bathing. So I ran to my room after that to pen it down and picked up the guitar. A song for you. =O
Have lotsa fun, though I wished you were here =O
lotsa lub.
31 October 2008 1:53am
1:47 AM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I am back. For more of my inner thoughts. I really don't know where to start from, maybe I will start from here. Yeah, here. I know it has been hard on you, but I just want to say, I am really happy you told me, let time tell, let time decide. I will sit and wait and see if what you're feeling for me is what I'm feeling for you. <-2:35am
Let me continue, I think its a bad habit to always blog and stop. 243am, I called you. =O I know lah, sorry for being too punctual. You said 3 minutes. Anyway, I am glad at least for now, 1 more less burden. HUAT AH! If I am not able to sleep I'll give you morleng call. But you kept asking me to sleep. So maybe that's what I'll do. I hope everything will be fine. Nothing goes wrong and you'll be back in one piece.
I will miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Seriously!
30 October 2008 3:33am
2:28 AM
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I love you?
Yeah. I love you. =D
I can't believe I said that but I really had that urge to.
And I wished my phone beeped.
28 October 2008 1:43pm
1:42 PM
I am up. In fact I was up and 1/2 awake since 7:30am, I do think I worry too much. =O Hope it went fine. Llolololololololol. My throat hurts. Fuck.
I told you not to worrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. =(((
29 October 2008 10:31am
OMGGGGGGGGGGG. What ifffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, I missed you? =O
I hope by not doing anything I will not make you feel stresssssssssedddddd =))))
29 October 2008 12:28pm
10:30 AM
So, when I was driving, I had my own quiet time. I was really frustrated with myself and yeah I did the spin wheel to left and quickly back to right motion, you all will know what I mean if you literally picture a steering wheel and do that. When I was up on the highway, I was thinking about a lot of things. *brb bathe* she sez shes smiling but i guess not.
Ah, no more mood. I know it already. You need not worry, I'm okay.
29 October 2008 12:55am
Okay let me edit this post. I THOUGHT I knew it, I guess I was wrong. Or maybe just wrong at this second. My guess is you're appearing offline now. =O Actually, if I was the reason, for you being sad, I really don't want that to happen. I mean no point being sad, it is just me. I mean, there are a lot more things out there to be sad about. I know I was wrong to ask you, to give you the selfish request. I know I had to tell you, I love you. That is one thing for sure. It is now like, you're forced to be with me, I don't want that to happen. It is stupid to force this kind of thing. All I wanted to do was to tell you what I was feeling. But upon the selfish request, I added more pressure and more unwanted troubles. All I wanted was to tell you meow, if you liked me too it is just a bonus to me, but you being happy, regardless of whether with me or not, its the ultimate bonus you see. This is why, when I saw you asleep, I was really smiling to myself. Because you looked damn cute when you're sleeping and more importantly, YOU'RE NOT WORRYING ABOUT ANYTHING AND you were probably happy! (: Smile okay. Its a big day for you later, you WON'T SCREW UP! You're gonna own the PP and then you're gonna go overseas with a light heart and just enjoy your well deserved break! SO STOP WORRYING! I know you're probably gonna read this soon, smile okay! You, breaking my heart won't be as painful as you not being happy!
You're being loved.
29 October 2008 1:55am
12:38 AM
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
This is gonna be a rather long post.
Looking at her sound asleep makes me happy. She looks so adorable. At least for now, she isn't worrying about anything!
So there was this story, about a guy who was in 2 minds. He was at the bus stop one day wondering why his life was in a mess. He questioned himself, asking things like why isn't the bus coming and why isn't there anyone with him. So he got into deeper thinking and he started thinking about his dream girl. He thought about everyone he knew, everyone was happily in love, everyone had someone they could think about. Everyone had someone to message. Everyone had someone who can shower their love and concern for. So he thought to himself, why not me? When he picked up his phone on that faithful day, scrolling through his inbox, he could see that there was actually someone apart from his mum and friends who cared about him. He didn't know it. At that moment, it strucked him, that person, though she was an angel, cared for him without him ever knowing it. He then created a text message but because of that, he got stucked, he used to be able to just talk to her like she was him. It was so easy, suddenly it was all blank.
To him, she was an angel, someone who was so beautiful and perfect, someone who was there all along even though they were just friends. To him, she was suddenly everything. He then saw, and realized everything he was looking for was already right there. Everything he'd ever wanted since his previous relationship. Everything they shared in common seemed to felt so right. Just then he realized, that angel belonged to someone else. He was devestated. But he was determined to keep going on, he knew even though she was with him, he understand that that was the guy who can give her what she needs, the happiness. He admited defeat and everytime the angel calls to rant about her problems, all he wanted to do was fix it. Even though it was about another guy, seems to him like they were happy, he knew he wasn't good enough for her. He knew he was just fantasizing. Everynight, hearing her sobbing voice, it was painful enough, and to know that the cause of the sobbing was from another guy it was even more painful. He then realized he was the cause for most of their problems.
He left. He left the angel, he left her with a broken heart. So he only got to know that the angel, was all along, still there for him. He was even more heartbroken.
So heres his story.
It makes me feel like its raining on the inside.
28 October 2008 1:00pm
12:28 PM
If you can decipher this. Go ahead. Irwytbhbatstiasbiwytlmsb! <- this is real. Real words in a sentence. And this too Ictaots, cwjffttagtowbikuywbm! =OOO
If tomorrow never comes, I still love her.
28 October 2008 12:22am
12:20 AM
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I only have myself to blame for being indecisive. =O Caused me a lot of shit already. I shall not be indecisive anymore. I will be here. Always.
26 October 2008 6:10pm
6:09 PM
I can't sleep. I really can't sleep. All I do is to think and think. I can't imagine what it would be like. I just can't stop thinking. What am I to do. This is worse than taking my Olvls result, this is certainly worse than anything I've ever felt. The suspense is killing me. All I want is her. Why did I choose to go in the first place, why did I even made her life hard, why did I disappear. Why did it lead to what it is today. Why. All I want is the second chance. There are things now that I can't possibly rant to you, I knew you had your decision already, I know it isn't me, and I hope that will be changed. I don't want to live my life knowing that that regret will be forever and I lost my only chance to be with you. If I could turn back time, all I want to do is to be good and just love you. Sadly I chose to run away. Now that there is a slim chance, I will fight for what I think is my happiness, our happiness.
I really can't sleep and I feel like just dropping you a text message.
26 October 2008 11:43am
11:37 AM
If you asked yourself why I wanted to hug you on the way back, my answer would be I am afraid I'll have to let you go again, I don't want that and all I wanted was to be close and all that was in my mind was asking the time to stand still. Looking at you I really knew what was missing. I knew it right from the start but it was just that I was too afraid and yes screwed things up. I don't want to screw it all over again.
I really meant every single word I said including the magical 3 words.
And it will all happen again. I really wish. Even if it means to wait, I will.
26 October 2008 4:24am
4:21 AM
Hi I am really scared and afraid right now.
26 October 2008 1:18am
1:17 AM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I am going to put in all I can. It is only right for someone like you to deserve the best and I am going to do whatever I can to make you happy. =) Lets see what I can start doing.
Its not gonna be easy but I will strive!
23 October 2008 12:33am
12:31 AM
Monday, October 20, 2008
I swear this is a rather emo post but, how do I go like hmmm I swear I've loved you all along. How do I actually say it out. How do I prepare for it. How to react after it. O_O.
Ahhh we all know it isn't going to work. So thanks for hearing me out.
8:40 PM
Actually, I've always known the fact that I like to bottle up stuff. And yes I know it isn't good for my but sometimes these are the only things you could do. Blogging for me is seriously a place to dump all my opinions and hope people who reads agree with me. So I had like a 40minutes long lecture non-stop from a man who's 60. Everyone in the lesson was all practically dying from his nonstop hits. But there I was unable to pay attention because somehow I was feeling like shit. And just as I am typing this it is beginning to pour. Seems like it is gonna be home alone tonight. Some things are not meant to be spoken. =O
Even I am starting to be unsure about my feelings.
20 October 2008 8:17pm
8:14 PM
Seriously let me start by doing this. Sheesha = fun.
20 October 2008 2:29am
2:28 AM
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hi I must agree this is nicely done apart from the 'bad kid' part. Don't you all agree?
Credits to meowmeow uh.
Time to sheeeeeeeeshaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
19 October 2008 6:09pm
6:07 PM
Saturday, October 18, 2008

3:04 AM
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
jeremy is so fucking sexy.i wanna give my blog to from now onwards,he will do the blogging for me.i will just stare at his radiating awesomeness.
11:19 PM
What the hell man, you know my password then you freaking spam nonsense post is it? Huh, love? Lol. Okay today is a good day. =) Because, yeah. Lets see. Soon.
8 October 2008 10:07pm
10:08 PM
today i hung out with jeremy again.i realise he is so fucking handsome/sexy.much more handsome/sexy then anyone would ever be.i just wanna idolize him and be his sex slave.
1:13 AM
Monday, October 06, 2008
this post is about jeremy.he is actually a very handsome guy.a fucking handsome guy.if i was gay i would be gay for him.
9:34 PM
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Kena. Kena again. Fucking hell KENA AGAIN! This is one of the most sianjipua feeling. It is beyond any description, it is like only I can use my own 'self' vocabs and examples to describe man! I want, that prize. My eyes are fixed on the prize already.
5 October 2008 11:15PM
11:14 PM
LOL, heres something really random, I was trying to pick up my phone, and I saw this long hair in between my flip. O_O My hair couldn't be that long, its not scary I find it damn funny. HAHAHAHA. Okay going out soon. Kthxbye.
5 October 2008 12:39PM
12:40 PM
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
I will try to post with pictures. No, I won't, cause its too much of a hassle. Blogging with photos is really weird for me, cause I've got no photos. I don't really take photos except when out with a bunch of girls or girl. *ccccc* Anyway, I am really glad to be chilling at home. It is like the first time ever since I don't know when. The hangover, argh, the hangover is really tormenting. But it was all worth it because it has been a long time since I felt this way but I was not drunk. I only wished I was drunk, but that little bit of 42below could only get me spinning and maybe slightly high. =( Went on an outing yesterday with my classmates. We played pool. =O And guess what, we ate at HK cafe. You know, we freaking ate at HK cafe!! I tried to find the drink that I drank with Liz but I don't know what she ordered that time, so I sticked to Milk Tea which is, erm good for me and my thoughts. The drinking session was finally completed without any drunkards because Alan didn't drink and Gavin only drank 1 cup. 2 cups and Gavin is a goner. Theres school tomorrow again! OHNOZ!
1 October 2008 6:08pm
Happy childrens day.
4:26 PM