Thursday, April 30, 2009
So I made a promise to myself, to say each day how much she means to me.
Tomorrow just gonna be out for a while I guess, till the night time.
Was wondering why my mum talked to me about it only now.
Woman, they leave you guessing. O_O
The weather nowadays is freaking imba.
12:27 AM
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Everything that I never thought could happen or ever come to pass and I wonder
If maybe, maybe I could be all you ever dreamed, cause you are
Beautiful inside, so lovely and I can't see why I'd do anything without you, you are
And when I'm not with you, I know that it's true
That I'd rather be anywhere but here without you
Is this a natural feeling or is it just me bleeding
Hi world. It has been a hard day for us.
So we shall all look forward to a better day tomorrow.
12:07 AM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
For some reason, I accidentally clicked on her wordpress blog instead of the blogspot one.
So I was scrolling and reading the posts, till the one on 17th March 2009. Then I realized it was locked, so I frantically tried to remember the password.
Reading those stuff again still pains me to know I actually did indirectly hurt her though I don't want to. Fail.
I've already did 2 things in the blog already.
1 about the smoking one, number 2 about the person I love/like.
"Can you just scream at me for once. Scold me? Argh. Stupid me. STUPID.
If he’s upset, I’d cheer him up with 9876543567 ways that I MUST find. Because I suck at cheering people. Am too stupid for that.
If he’s sick, I’d make him honeyyyyy. Okay, I know it’s stupid cause honey can’t save everything, but, >.< I’d try la! "
You sure you want me to scream at you?
And till now I must say you have your own ways of cheering me up.
AND I AM SICK. Honey, I need my honey, I'm still sick wheres the honey you promised?
6:36 PM
Just got home not long ago from a not so usual Saturday.
Not so usual being I was home till about 8pm. That is kinda unusual for me cause its unlikely I will be home on a Saturday. Oh well.
Met up with meow and had Subway for dinner. Jas came not long afterwords.
Coffeebean to slack a little, cause we know teh yao siew fella is feeling down.
We're such nice people. Nel came down after that. While walking to random block, we saw aboi, Adib and Fad. Still freaking nonsense as sec 3 sec 4. MAINTAIN UHHHHHH!
Lol, slacked at some block then sent Jas and teh meow home. Snooked with Nel and tada I'm home.
Think she fell asleep while messaging me again, this time I don't know what her previous message message was about. Mmmmm.
Okay. Sleeping soon, sooooooooooooon.
5:29 AM
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I damn bored siol. Practically slept for the past 6 hours.
But its aite, I'm an owl.
Can you use your super powers again?
And tell me, its just special powers?
Can't imagine you doing haduken.
Which reminds me of the days working for M1.
I really can blog about random things.
I was sweating on my bed I think. I didn't switch on the air con.
Slept for like an hour, an hour, an hour always waking up to check phone and msn.
Its okay, I go be owl already. Bye.
1:21 AM
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Actually, one should not compare with others, and just be happy.
The more you compare, the more that you will feel that the grass is always greener on the other side. Hence leading to envy, jealousy, and ultimately unhappiness.
As long as one is happy, why go through all those silly trouble and make yourself unhappy?
You think so too?
On teh sidenote.
- nicole Hi wardrobe.\ We have rules we need to follow. Wait, did I hear wrongly?? just sent you a nudge.
- nicole Hi wardrobe.\ We have rules we need to follow. Wait, did I hear wrongly?? says:
go restaurant city
michael says:
- nicole Hi wardrobe.\ We have rules we need to follow. Wait, did I hear wrongly?? says:
accept my trade please
michael says:
its a boyfriendstealing game
- nicole Hi wardrobe.\ We have rules we need to follow. Wait, did I hear wrongly?? says:
give me tomatoes and salad
michael says:
cause it stole my girlfriend from me
- nicole Hi wardrobe.\ We have rules we need to follow. Wait, did I hear wrongly?? says:
is it a bf stealing game
Go luh
go trade leh
michael says:
- nicole Hi wardrobe.\ We have rules we need to follow. Wait, did I hear wrongly?? says:
i want tomato!!!!!
and salad
give me leh
you got leh
- nicole Hi wardrobe.\ We have rules we need to follow. Wait, did I hear wrongly?? says:
okay I wait
for tomatoes
Facebook facebook, thanks a lot uh. Lol, just kidding.
6:33 PM
Actually I feel like a changed man.
I actually feel more independent now.
I might be wrong but I think I've grown up.
I learned to be more independent and I think I can manage my own things from now on.
Its still difficult to go through these things, why would I want it to happen to me?
But, should be okay soon enough.
Which person don't have worries and troubles? That person would be lying.
So I keep thinking about it.
Over and over again, but it won't help much.
Its alright, all the tiny tiny stuff makes me feel better.
School tomorrow, damn.
12:44 AM
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Lawl, I'm way too bored. I just had to do this. I'm freaking bored.
I don't want to blog about my day. Oh wait, let me do it to fill this white space.
I was awoken by babe cause instead of snoozing my alarm, I disabled it. So 715am till 830am I was sleeping. Her message came and I was like too freaking tired to move. So I decided to give school a miss. I don't think it'll matter much cause its just the first lesson. 1230pm my phone rang and it was Aner wanting to meet me cause she got 'patterned' by her boyfriend. Being a damn nice brother cause I only have 2 stupid sisters, I went down to meet her. Charl came down to meet us after that cause she was sad. =( Aww. So it felt weird to me cause they were of different 'clique' in secondary school but both were my sisters. But they clique. I was looking from a bigger p.o.v and I felt quite happy like hey this works. So after they all kpkb-ed about their problems and my problem (?) they came over to my place to settle Aner's email stuff. Nel came down. We had dinner at Carl's Jr. Then to Parkway for snooker. Epic stuff. Nel will be damn sad. Sorry handsome, just gotta do it.
Then supper, and home.
So basically, I spent yet another day out.
Should learn to control.
Pay + Time + Gf = Shiok.
Sadly those kinda things seldom fit in together.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. We know what it means.
Turning in soon. <3
3:10 AM
Monday, April 20, 2009
So someone asked me this question just now.
Would you physically hurt someone whom you really love if she made you angry?"
I mean I immediately answered it in his face, No.
You see everyone gets frustrated about something, I'd be lying if I tell you I don't get angry over stuffs. But no matter how fucked up things get I'll never lay my hands on her.
I've always believed in talking things out, talk harsh if I really have to.
Physically hurting someone never crossed my mind.
Then again, I'm a guy, bound to be violent. So frankly, I'll just punch things around me like walls, doors, railings, whatever but her.
So here was his stand, "what i'm saying ish that, that person really pissed u off leh. did something which made u very very very very angry. and still appeared to be very stubborn and not apologetic", okay this part I completely get you, but why use force?
I have only 1 belief. If she's happy, then it should be worth it.
So another dude told me if I was sure about this? He kept saying humans are selfish.
He asked me if I was willing to die for the girl I love. Then naturally, I said yes. I would.
"Then she'll just be sad for a while and probably go find someone else after that"
"So am I supposed to let her die when I can stop it?"
I can really do it. Trust me. I'm fucking imba.
So he was asking me what if one day I see with my own eyes, her with someone else. On bed, intimate or whatever.
I said I'd walk off, then he said bullshit I'd punch his sorry face.
Then again, that will probably be on impulse, maybe that dude can make her happier than I do.
So then the train door opened and we walked different directions.
Interesting, wonder what else he'd ask.
I'm going to absolut-bleu myself.
8:47 PM
Work's over. Everything's over for now. Cept school, which is about to start.
Sometimes I really wish my life was a lot nicer than this.
Fuck school seriously.
Damn it man, another start.
If only I knew what people are thinking.
That would be a special power.
Then again, I don't want to have that.
1:43 AM
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I'm like really really drained out.
I really need my sleep man. Can't believe I actually woke up and with those weird thoughts running through my mind. And I think I'm falling sick.
Even superman won't be able to take what I'm going through I think.
Work work work. From Tamp to cck, past 2 days and last night went for drinks.
So after everything, I finally managed to go to bed at 740am, and I had to wake up at 915am.
I snoozed it like crazy and woke up at 950am instead, had a bath and I'm late, and I'm lazy to go to work.
I wish I could just sleep at home.
Flu, cough kicking in and I am starting to feel my forehead temperature going up.
Instead of feeling all warm and hot inside, I was freezing this morning.
10:23 AM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The weather is damn fine today. Thought it was gonna rain at first. But turned out to be windy and a little chilly.
The only goal last night was damn nice, kuddos to Ronaldo, that was like bloody powerful.
Didn't watch the game last night, had better things to do. Like supper.
At first I wanted to eat at this kopitiam near Aner's house with teh meow, but ended up I told her after she finish 1 of her prata then I'd go order my food. Me eats fast. After she finished 1 prata, Nelson called and went down to Mac near TP to eat. So I had my supper there.
Then off to her house where little did I know I could sleep like a log when I'm damn tired.
But its aite, its all good. =O
I WANT TO DRINK. SERIOUS. CAN'T HELP IT MAN. It has been like 2 months since I drank?
Me needs alcohol in my veins. After her description last night I realised I do miss drinking. Mmmm.
12:01 PM
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What did I eat for lunch just now, or was it because of the sweat?
I'm having a little bit of rashes on my right arm. Hmmm.
But doesn't seem too bad.
Something else is bad though, when it becomes like this majority would be good but there'll be a little bad-s.
Played soccer and kinda screwed my ankle again, but not as bad as a long time ago.
'Ghosthunters' - a damn stupid show.
Hmmmm, sure.
I'm gonna do what I do best now.
10:45 PM
Sometimes I fully respect my mum, while other times I think that she's like one of the most annoying person ever.
But yeah, whatever she cares. Mmm, sure.
I think I've officially 'changed' my body clock back to schooling ways.
It is seriously weird to wake up at this timing especially after a night out. Its freaking 12:21 man. I need to chill. I'll just have to find things to do later, lol.
Not sure if they want to sheesha later but I wantttt.
Sheesha = tehsecks. I r not addicted though.
Thinking about it, I think it is
fully across the eastern seas that make things so real.
Ah, hungry. Kbai.
12:25 PM
Monday, April 13, 2009
Drove teh meowxzc to Marina Square to change her mum's crocs. Then off to pick Alan and Jr for dinner at Bedok camp. Parkway for some pool and then home after that.
I'm damn tired. The next few days' gonna be good. Just need my pay. Nnb.
Second chance. So many different kinds of songs with this title. But I think I'm main lead in the best one.
4:11 AM
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Hello. I'm freaking tired. Haven't had enough sleep the past few nights.
I've this feeling I'm gonna be awoken very early in the morning by my mum.
Went to cousin's place just now.
Met up with Nel and Charl then off to meet Alan, Joel and some of their friends.
Sent them back after their dinner.
Off to meet meowmeow.
So with Shu Ai's excellent directions, we got lost and had to abandon the Henderson Waves' plan.
Headed over to Marina Barrage after that.
Talked, watched them camwh0re.
Supper and then sent them back. I just reached home.
TIRED SIOL. Sleep time.
<3333333 Oh I almost forgot to do something.
5:29 AM
Saturday, April 11, 2009
LOL. Hookay heres the post. I had a damn long day out today.
1230 - Picked meow up.
1330 - Katong for laksa.
1505 - Ehub for Shopaholics (yeah don't go like WTF cause actually I think its nice.)
1700 - iKEA to shop for her stuff.
1830 - Dinner at Eastpoint's Kobayashi.
1930 - Picked Jercore up.
2000 - Picked Nelly up.
2130 - They all came over my place talk cock sing song play mahjong. Oh and Gothika.
2230 - Off to Somerset to pick Mabel up.
2300 - Geylang random muslim styled supper.
2400 - Sent them all back.
0230 - Picked Nel up for Snooker again.
0445 - Reached home.
Day starting at 8am tmrw. Wtf wish me fucking luck. But today was damn fun, 1 more time also can. 123981209381 more times also can. HEHEHE.
Nights darlings. <333
4:58 AM
Thursday, April 09, 2009
My stomach is all weird. I can't really sleep. =/
Help. =((
Hope she's sleeping welllllll.
4:48 AM
The first time.
The time when I was a dick.
The time when I had to smile cause I knew it was gonna work.
The time when I saw my first set back.
The time when I knew I was in deep shit.
The time when I knew I was falling in this deep mess but couldn't do a thing.
The time when I decided to comfort and go.
The second time.
For the time I turned back.
The time when I was confused.
The time when I spoke.
The time when I said it.
The time when I knew it all.
The time I couldn't sleep cause' I knew it was coming.
The time when I had to control myself.
The time when I told myself to keep my own promises.
The time when I had to give it all up again.
The time I knew I made a mistake yet I didn't want to amend.
The times when I really wanted to run away from it all.
The third time.
I saw.
I felt. I could say how I really felt.
How I could relate things so easily.
How much I yearn to do stuff and how difficult it was.
The first hug as a confirmation. The words you said.
I didn't really want to type these out. But heck yeah.
And supper was a little too much for me to handle. Noodles plus rojak.
It rained. Rained damn heavily. I didn't close my window before I went out.
My bed's a little wet. Sigh.
Let me brainstorm on somethings now. Kthxbye.
Why so sad siol? =/
I'm coughing like a crazyfcuk.
1:51 AM
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Funny truths about life in small small Singapore....
1. Nite - Sleep with air-con; Day - Bathe with heater on
2. Day - Cannot Wake up; Nite - Cannot Sleep
3. Cigarettes - Convenient to buy; not convenient to smoke
4. Chewing Gum - Can Chew, Cannot buy?? (Restricted to buying)
5. Smell Of rubbish besides letterboxes; Rubbish inside Letterbox
6. Private Cars - Cheaper & Cheaper to Buy,harder & harder to Maintain
7. Education - Teachers teaching Less but expects students to learn More
8. High-tech barbaric Singaporeans - know how to use state-of-the art equipment, but dunno how to use a simple dustbin or a toilet
9. There are quite a number of rich/poor in spore - They have Car, Credit Card, CPF .... but no Cash and lots of loans
10. Translation is needed between Singaporean Chinese and Mainland Chinese
11. Sporean never like to vote, but like to complain
12. Half Sporeans rushed to buy Hello kitty, but the other half busy killing stray cats
13. Public Bus - Half the Crowd squeeze in front section of the Bus, Second section is for Carrying Ghost
Epic fail.
5:14 PM
Its late. Okay it isn't. Lol. I have a lot of things that I'll need to do within 20mins time.
1st - Throw away my remains of my Mac.
2nd - Bathe
3rd - Get comfortable and watch the soccer match.
Okay I'm gonna get going.
2:25 AM
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Okay. So you wanna know how I spent my day?
So you really want me to say? Okay.
First I went to airport to eat popeyes. Then to Century Square Coffee bean.
After spending like half an hour outside Royal Sporting House to decide where to go next, the dumbest suggestion of movie marathon came about. Charl, Meow and I went to Nel's house for 'The pursuit of happiness'. I was like the only person who watched it before so wtf she got angry with me cause I didn't want to tell her whats gonna happen next. K lose. =(
Met up with Jas after movie at her place. Drove down to have supper at the kopitiam near Aner's place. Winner don't kp me you will know why I didn't call you down.
Then dropped Jas home. Charl to Nel's place.
Drove teh meowie back home. That was like 4am already. Lawl.
In the car, I had a damn cute surprise. A backfired one. Lol. But it was nice. Appreciated cause I think it probably took a lot of time. And patience. =O
I think my mum's gonna kill me soon.
445am. *phone rings* "Where are you now, *answers* why so late? *answers* why you everyday like that? I pek chek already. I emphasized the word EVERYDAY? MMM SURE, she laughed and hung up. Lol. Win.
What if I tell my mum, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, okay not now. Lol.
Going to bathe now. Sky's gonna be bright soon. NOOOOO. No sunlight for me. Kthxbye.
Eh its the 7th. Its tomorrow baby. =O Glhf.
5:25 AM
Sunday, April 05, 2009
I came across something very interesting today.
The question was "How to prove to a girl i like her?"
It was in forums and I tell you the people in there are damn hilarious but there are some serious ones which are really good. But in the first place, which girl who's in love with you will ask you to prove that you like her?
*is pondering*
-halt picks up call
Okay. Anyway as I was saying, the answers are all to an extent quite true. Anyway why did that question even exist?
So I am bloody hungry I want to eat LUNCH EAT LUNCH EAT LUNCH.
Eh btw if you all think this is a girly background visit it in the next few months you'll be used to it cause the blog is manly. Hehehe.
Okays find food time.
4:07 PM
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Had a rather unusual night out. Cause it has been a while since I last went out for like overnight Lan-gaming. It has been, lets see at least half a year ago.
It was Ahmad, Nel, Dave and I at the Lanshop. Supposed to wait for Lx's game to end so he could join us. We played run kitty run and pudge wars and realised we spent like nearly 45mins when Lx's game finished in like 10mins. So we played the next round by ourselves.
Then L4D for the nab who haven't played before. Nel was fucking proud when he was like the top headshot person, but dealt the least damage to bosses. MMMM sure.
Hookays, so we played another round of in-house dota after that. Which we got fucked real hard by this pudge with a hood, 3 hearts, bot and a perseverance.
Till she messaged me I didn't even realized it was like 6 freaking am. So we all went for breakfast together and yeah sent 1 by 1 back home.
Wah lan. Well see.
I just realized I don't have to put the date time thing any more. <3333333
5:43 PM
Friday, April 03, 2009
Looks pretty good to me. =O
Hookay, still haven't showed you the thing I wanted to show you.
Haven't sort out the stuff yet. =O
Dinner time.
7:29 PM
Hahhahahahahahhahahaha, I've just hacked into your account.
Oh wait, password was given.
7:10 PM
Thursday, April 02, 2009
So it is my 400th post of this blog. So much has happened already.
Its only fair to judge from my pov that life could be more colorful and exciting if you allow it to be.
Seems like every time I open my eyes in the morning, I kinda start losing the motivation to go on with life, especially the feeling of, zomfgitsholidaywhatshouldido?
And when the schedule gets packed up it normally stacks or clash with one another.
That will leave me feeling like this now.
I could actually foresee and I swear I was pretty accurate last night. Everything I predicted came true. I think I've already put on my special sightglasses.
And hey, its like back to the killing time shit. I realized I haven't seen my parents in days. Its like, when I'm in, I'll be in my room. If not when they're home, I'll be out. Zomg. That ain't right.
This feeling is indescribable. So as promised, let me upload some pictures.
This feels so girl-like, but sigh, I've been influenced with both their stupidity.
Fuck it. Lol. Let me show you how much we've changed.
From this. To that. MMMMMMMMM SURE.

And that was his birthday, heres the group.

So this was mine, eh Charl I don't even have all the photos. I had to rip from Jas'.

Know what was I wishing for? Don't know right. *hehehe*

Okay there is like a lot more to upload but I'm just damn lazy. And I think I wanna sort out my pictures folder, then meow I show you something. Kthxbye.
No more Aprils fool uh. Or?
2nd April 2009 2:35pm
2:16 PM