Sunday, May 31, 2009
I think I've a new plan already. I think I'll make it work this time.
It isn't that much of planning but down to.... never mind, its okay.
I think I should go back to sleep soon.
Cheers to the start of a new week, time to struggle through all the boring times again.
I love you darling.
10:20 AM
Hi, I love weekends, weekends are good especially when holidays are here.
Just wondering how am I gonna survive the week.
I think I'll find things to keep myself busy. Like errrr. =O
Not gonna just give up here. =O
12:49 AM
Monday, May 25, 2009
I really hate tests. Lol. I'm seriously dreading to go for tests.
Sometimes when you study so hard, you realized everything you studied don't matter at all.
The real answers are actually different from what you have.
Maybe sometimes, once people classify you as band 1, you'll forever be band 1.
Even when you were in band 2 and now you are on par with 1, you'd still be band 2.
Even if you try to be band 1, you might not be given the chance to.
Sometimes it is really demoralizing to be planning so hard, racking brains and still you get shot from behind.
Tmrw will be a better day.
10:34 PM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Sorry, its freaking boring. I can't wait to wake up later than 7am.
I can't wait for this semester to end, then the next, the next and the next.
On teh side note, I'm hearing Chinese oldies, gotta say it brings back tons of childhood memories. Really small kid that kinda memory.
Soon I'll be missing this feeling, the poly, then the NS feeling, then I'll get numb and sick and tired of feeling.
I'm really damn tired but I wanna watch the match later.
Can you imagine your pillow calling you when you're tired.
The softness, the thought of your head sinking into it.
It was a good steamboat for us (my brother, Nel and I) with these 2 preparing for us.
What more can I ask for?
10:15 PM
Would it be okay if I -random this post?
Okay? Okay.
When a triangle suddenly changes into a diamond, would you pick it up and look at it as a diamond or just take a step back and notice it is just 2 triangles?
And if that makes it that much more important, how would you react if it is that pure and precious?
But I'm just taking about shapes here, not carat.
1:30 PM
Haven't had such a good Saturday in a really long time.
It has been a while since I really found myself enjoying a day in a weekend.
Holidays soon, but guess my holiday will be packed with stuff.
Maybe, maybe not.
Should be able to gain a few KGs today, I had like wanton mee at 1pm, subway at 230pm, steamboat at 7pm, supper at Geylang at 2plus am.
Had a good time.
Especially when I know that I've got my back covered.
5:32 AM
Friday, May 22, 2009
6:11 PM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
One of my biggest problem in life, actually I don't even know if I should consider this as a problem or not, anyway, it is the attacks of the random thoughts.
I swear, my eyes almost turned watery.
But, I r strong.
10:24 PM
Just as 10 years ago, I was really ready to watch Man Utd lift the UCL trophy. I had to watch the whole game with my heart in my mouth.
It took Man Utd around 84mins to equalize and 87mins to win the game.
I hope next week it won't be this way.
I'll make you support Man Utd. =D
12:55 AM
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Had the first test in school. Don't think I did too badly, lets see.
Went off to find meow, then off to AMK.
Ichiban sushi for the second time in 3 days. Jap food three days in a row.
I'm on a row.
Watched 'the uninvited' after that. I must admit the movie shocked me at just this one part, other than that, it isn't scary and the story line is in circles.
2.5/5 for me.
Ahhhh, time for bed, soon.
Lol, wanted to sleep at 12am today, failed.
Sometimes, you don't have to look at what others think.
4:36 AM
Monday, May 18, 2009
So, I gotta be in school tomorrow for a long long time. I hate having tests.
But, it is certainly better with a 50/50 weight age.
How long ago was it that I actually studied for a test.
Somehow I wanna do well.
Then again, not expecting the best.
If I had one wish now, that would be...........
Fly over to yishun.
11:08 PM
Actually I don't know what to blog about. Just realized I haven't blogged in a while.
So I'm blogging now. Oh, my bro spent $100+++++ bucks on lunch just now. More than 1/2 of it was just me eating, they just ate sushi while I ate main course + lotsa sushi. Lotsa salmon sashimi. HEHEHEHEHE.
1:12 AM

I stole a post.
1:00 AM
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Just sorry. Ah, nothing more I can say.
If only I could rewind time, well I guess you heard enough already.
Sorry baby. I'll not do it again.
Hope tomorrow would turn out fine. =/
3:22 AM
Friday, May 15, 2009
I think I should be sleeping real soon, I guess I probably will.
I had this weird feeling in me like, just weird, for the whole day.
I hate weird feelings, it dampens my mood.
Its gonna be hard, no one said it was gonna be easy.
But I think I'm a good fighter. Can survive this.
12:33 AM
Monday, May 11, 2009
So this is how much a superman can go. I don't think I'm too stressed up but I'm just physically tired. I'm like physically damn tired these few days. -___-
Whenever I think about it I still feel like punching that fucking bastard soab.
He's like an asshole ttm seriously. Nbcb.
Fuck I'm gonna rant today. And that fucking PP, why the fuck do a PP.
Number 2. What the fuck is wrong with wearing slippers to school? So the best reason is to prepare you for working life? Come on, grow.tfu, we're like how old already you want us to teach you guys how to dress up instead?
Number 3. Why the fuck are we like the only school in school to be so strict about all these rules. Just because of 1 soab that came to school and commented on our dressing, we get restricted of these and that? We pay school fees, we are here to study. Tertiary institutions are not under the govt, so why you guys give a fuck anyway?
I'm damn tired. K good bye.
8:20 PM
Happy can already.
Had Subway for lunch and pepperlunch for dinner.
Both servings are quite imba.
Being nice I accompanied teh ladies to shop.
I will be dragging myself out of bed tomorrow.
School holidays for almost the whole of SG but poly. WTF.
Wheres the justice?
Though important, money is secondary.
12:36 AM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
There is snooker on #113 now. Pruss 10.
Just hung up teh phone.
Gonna be camping on my bed staring at Toshiba till 7am.
Woo. Okay, all those sleeping now sleep tight pl0x.
Can't seem to get sick of watching these, don't relate snooker with golf, its insulting.
4:22 AM
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Hello world.
Seems like my wall of text can deal 99999 damage to you all.
Haha, but since its a blog, I don't give a damn about it.
While I was bathing shortly after I reached home, I experienced the type of feeling when you have the regurgitating action and the 'salty' saliva thing constantly foaming up your mouth. I literally stood still in the showers for 2 full minutes cause it felt like when I move, its gonna be my dinner in my sink.
Ewww. I slept not long after that, and I woke up at 2am.
I was just thirsty when I woke up but now I'm not that tired already.
Sometimes, life would be so much better if it could be transformed into songs.
I wanna be hero.
By the way, if you did notice, it only happened recently, after that incident.
Why stereotype?
3:08 AM
Friday, May 08, 2009
I realized apart from the people that tag my blog, there are a lot of sneaky souls out there spying on all my entry. "Too wordy", wordy don't read lor. LOL.
Not I wanna be wordy, its just that I don't have pictures thats all.
I'm not feeling too good.
Sometimes it seem like its all falling apart.
While other times, it seems okay.
Pruss one post.
8:33 PM
Thursday, May 07, 2009
I wanna get busy.
I shall have a good shower and start on my work.
All these are worth it, I know.
10:25 PM
Had a good time today.
Somehow the day started alright, being lazy as usual.
Permission to be late granted.
Late I was. LOL.
I think tomorrow would be another day.
Soon I'll be bz.
Ahh. Bubbye.
1:17 AM
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Put it in a nice manner.
And I should be all okay.
Tell me again and again.
Tell me you know that its real.
Endless thoughts that make me sink.
Ranting never seem to really help at all.
Not only does it not help, it makes it that much worse.
Easy as it may sound,
Definitely, isn't.
Cause I told you I have a weak heart.
1:36 AM
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Before I left for school this morning, I actually had the time to read newspaper.
You see, their all news, everyday different stories will hit the headlines, and so on.
There were so many different articles I swear after reading through I couldn't remember much about what I read.
But there was this particular article that made me pretty sad early in the morning.
It was this van crashing into an electrical box-lamp post thing. Driver and passenger escaped unhurt. 2 girls and 2 guys were in the back. Both the guys died I think but the girls escaped with minor cuts and bruises.
The dead man's family didn't even know where he went and thought he would be coming back soon the next day. Police called and I could actually feel what they've gone through.
When a call like this comes, you know, its something really bad.
Cherish your life.
From a driver's pov, I don't know about the rest but I want to change for the good.
From now onwards, I will only speed when I'm rushing for time if not its 100kmh at most. And when there are passengers I'll go really slow, or just no speeding. Their lives = more important than mine, 1 person speed and die can already, don't make it 1 speed 5 die.
I'm changing. Uh, I know it.
But sometimes I still feel that same bitterness.
It is hard to be strong trust me.
I hope it makes you happy.
Dont keep me in this suspense. =(
11:59 PM
Its like falling down in a drain. Confirm bleed but you know it isn't that painful.
Won't die. Hohoho.
I want my pay cause m1 freaking post me some reminder.
I'm taking your money to PAY you guys back. $@%#@%#%^!#@$!
Dang. School. =O
12:35 AM
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Found something rather interesting today, share with you all.

Interesting eh? I just woke up not long ago. I feel like getting some more sleep but if I do I'm gonna have trouble waking up tomorrow. Speaking of which, my dad bought me an 8dollars alarm clock. I really don't think I need it but since he bought, think I'll just use it.
Ahh, school, don't you just love it.
1:14 PM
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Though I'm unlucky at most things, but I'm lucky to have a few things.
The world is fair and I'll continue to believe in that.
It is the thoughts that often feel that things are against you, but why think so much?
For once I'm glad through all the problems and different kinds of struggle, I'm still standing quite strong, it has been a difficult period for me.
You may be out of my sight, but you'll not be out of my heart. You may be out of my reach, but you'll not be out of my mind. I may mean nothing to you, but you'll always be someone special to me. <3
4:38 PM
So here I'm talking to my phone.
-stares at phone
"Ring ringgggggg pleaseeeeeee let it ringgggggggggggggggg"
-still staring at phone
I swear I knocked the phone a few times
Was it something I said?
Or something I never did?
Or was I always in the way?
I need a little more luck than a little bit
Cuz every time I get stuck the words won't fit
And every time that I try I get tongue tied
I need a little good luck to get me by
I need a little more help than a little bit
Like the perfect one word no one's heard yet
Cuz every time that I try I get tongue tied
I need a little good luck to get me by this time
1:23 AM
It was like, I wished the road was longer, I wish it was like it stretches for a few miles.
When we were settled down I wished I had mutant powers, one that would stop the time.
It was me feeling all jaded but trying to keep it on and going.
It was like trying to battle with my mind, using stuff that would make me feel better to comfort myself.
Cause everything seemed to be falling into place slowly.
Its gonna be one of those long nights again.
12:17 AM
Friday, May 01, 2009
I was supposed to go clubbing today.
Not really clubbing but main intention was to drink.
I chose not to, cause it was far and I was lazy.
So I opted to go play pool. And supper at Siglap's Mac.
Then headed home.
Yeah, Okay bye. Lol. Not that tired yet.
It has been long. I think?
3:35 AM